


Mushroom pizza bites - Natural Nordic

Mushroom pizza bites

These mushroom mini-pizzas bursting with flavor are perfect for any occasion. You can create your own versions and spice them up with what you find from your pantry. They're great...

Mushroom pizza bites

These mushroom mini-pizzas bursting with flavor are perfect for any occasion. You can create your own versions and spice them up with what you find from your pantry. They're great...

Mushrooms tarts - Natural Nordic

Mushrooms tarts

Savor the savory goodness of our Mushroom Tarts! Made with a spelt flour crust infused with Natural Nordic horn of plenty or trumpet chanterelle powder, and filled with a flavorful...

Mushrooms tarts

Savor the savory goodness of our Mushroom Tarts! Made with a spelt flour crust infused with Natural Nordic horn of plenty or trumpet chanterelle powder, and filled with a flavorful...

Natural Nordic Trumpet chanterelle risotto

Trumpet chanterelle risotto

Indulge in the rich flavors of our Trumpet Chanterelle Risotto! Made with Carnaroli rice, sautéed mushrooms, and a hint of Natural Nordic trumpet chanterelle powder, this creamy risotto is a...

Trumpet chanterelle risotto

Indulge in the rich flavors of our Trumpet Chanterelle Risotto! Made with Carnaroli rice, sautéed mushrooms, and a hint of Natural Nordic trumpet chanterelle powder, this creamy risotto is a...

Natural Nordic Trumpet chanterelle latte

Trumpet chanterelle latte

Warm up with our Trumpet Chanterelle Latte! Made with creamy milk and infused with Natural Nordic trumpet chanterelle powder, this latte is a cozy and flavorful beverage option. Experience the...

Trumpet chanterelle latte

Warm up with our Trumpet Chanterelle Latte! Made with creamy milk and infused with Natural Nordic trumpet chanterelle powder, this latte is a cozy and flavorful beverage option. Experience the...

Natural Nordic Omelette roll in oven

Omelette roll in oven

Savor the flavors of our Omelette Roll in Oven! Made with eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, and a hint of Natural Nordic mushroom powder, this omelette is a hearty and flavorful meal...

Omelette roll in oven

Savor the flavors of our Omelette Roll in Oven! Made with eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, and a hint of Natural Nordic mushroom powder, this omelette is a hearty and flavorful meal...